Tag Archives: arts

Essay: Semiotics in Autumn Rhythm

By Nicholas Alahverdian

The Beauty of the End, the Hope of the Beginning 

The art of Jackson Pollock was critical to the growth and development of the Beat Generation.  His approach to abstract impressionism influenced his fellow painters, as well as writers and poets.  The visual complexity of his artwork served as a conduit through which he was able to relate the chaos of his generation to viewers of his paintings. His action paintings, including “Autumn Rhythm,” exhibited his command of the abstract expressionist form. My essay will focus on the creative process and the implications of this unique piece of art.

Obviously, Pollock’s work was that of a genius.  His painting style was not merely improvisational – it also incorporated characteristics reminiscent of those artists and authors who engaged in the practice of writing and/or painting in the style of stream-of-consciousness. Drip after drip, smear after smear, mixing the two – these techniques cumulatively defined the greatness of his work.  Loyal to his art and chronically dissatisfied with his performance, he lengthened his artistic stride to further his aesthetic interpretation of the world we live in. Continue reading Essay: Semiotics in Autumn Rhythm